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Family Law

What is a clean break?

The object of a clean break is to settle once and for all the parties’ financial responsibilities towards each other and to end their financial interdependence, enabling them to leave their past behind and begin anew. 

The court has a duty to consider whether a clean break is achievable in each case, whenever the facts of the case are appropriate to do so. 

A clean break is most appropriate where:- 

  • The marriage was short, 
  • The marriage was childless or the children have grown up, 
  • The parties are able to achieve financial independence shortly following the divorce 

A clean break is not appropriate where:- 

  • There are very young children 
  • There is a lengthy marriage and a disparity between the income and assets of the parties 

At George Green LLP our specialist Family Solicitors are experts in advising clients in respect of financial orders upon divorce.  If you would like any further information or advice, call Mark Vandaele on 01902 796930 ( at our Wolverhampton office or Rachel Baker on 01384 340 580 ( our Cradley Heath office.