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Litigation and Dispute Resolution


The most expensive purchase of most people’s lives will be their home. Deciding to buy a property is a big step and many people rely on the expertise of a surveyor when deciding whether to buy a property and how much to pay. If a surveyor advises of problems with a property, a buyer may decide not to proceed with the purchase or to negotiate a lower price.

If a surveyor fails to identify a problem with a property, the buyers may find that they own a property they would not have bought had they been properly advised or that they have paid too much for a property.

Some examples of potential claims against surveyors include:

  • Failing to advise you of rising or penetrating damp or condensation in a RICS Homebuyers Survey;
  • Failing to identify and report dry rot or woodworm;
  • Failing to identify and report subsidence or serious structural defects.