Until now, the general approach has been that a company cannot claim privilege against its own...
Many people and businesses with commercial claims may consider these to be relatively low on their list of priorities at present.
That is entirely understandable, but at the same time there are at least two factors which may be important motivators to resolve claims at this time:
a) the chance of obtaining some money quickly (for the Claimant);
b) the desire to resolve one gnawing uncertainty, in a very uncertain time generally.
While commencing litigation does not necessarily lead to either of these goals being achieved, mediation can, and does not commit the parties to lengthy, expensive and uncertain proceedings (which is a risk it is understood that fewer parties wish to take, at least at present).
Online/Virtual Mediation
With the use of Zoom or Microsoft Teams (and perhaps some additional WhatsApp communication where appropriate), there is absolutely no reason why mediations cannot be conducted effectively and successfully without the parties needing to be together in person.
Even the solicitor and client do not need to be together in person using modern technology such as Zoom.
However, there is still the “face to face” interaction that many consider so useful at a mediation, even if it is via the medium of a screen. It is even possible that overcoming a logistical difficulty such as the lack of ability for everyone to be together in person may even build trust among the parties and foster some sense of “we’re all in it together”, although perhaps I am being overly optimistic there!
I am happy to conduct such mediations, and to take any enquiries regarding them, so please do make contact with me at lowen@georgegreen.co.uk, or 07794 431013 if this would be of interest.