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Litigation and Dispute Resolution


Sometimes, urgent court action is necessary to protect your interests. Maybe a fellow director is about to take a step that would cause irremediable damage to a company. Perhaps a business partner is unlawfully withholding documents that you are entitled to see, or maybe you have been wrongfully locked out of your business premises.

Our experienced and no-nonsense litigation team can help. Where Court action is necessary and an award of damages will not be an adequate remedy, urgent injunctive relief can be sought.

Our team is experienced in obtaining injunctions in a wide variety of disputes. Examples of injunctive relief which are available include:

  • an order for delivery up of goods, documents, information and/ or databases, which belong to you or to which you are entitled to possession, which are wrongfully being withheld from you;
  • an injunction restraining an ex-employee, ex-franchisee, ex-distributor or a seller of a business from breaching restrictive covenants;
  • a freezing order to freeze the assets of a defendant and to prevent their further dissipation (except as provided for by the Court);
  • a search order pursuant to which premises, vehicles, computers and other electronic equipment and storage devices in the possession of a defendant can be searched to obtain and secure valuable evidence which might otherwise be destroyed;
  • a mandatory injunction whereby a defendant is ordered by a court to do a specific act;
  • an injunction to prevent the sale of goods which infringe your intellectual property rights;
  • an injunction to prevent acts of nuisance, harassment or trespass.

If an injunction is necessary, you should act quickly and seek urgent advice. If you are involved in a situation or dispute where you think you might want to seek injunctive relief and/or other remedies, please contact the team.