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Litigation and Dispute Resolution

Insurance Brokers

Insurance brokers offer to arrange insurance for clients and often provide assistance and advice when making a claim under the insurance policy. Even though the client does not normally pay a fee directly to the broker, the broker still owes a duty of care to his client. Typical claims against insurance brokers can include:

  • Failing to arrange an appropriate insurance policy so that when you try to claim on your policy, your loss is not covered;
  • Failing to advise you of important exclusions or conditions precedent in your insurance policy;
  • Failing to disclose information to your insurer which they ought to have done at the time of taking out the policy with the consequence that your insurer refuses to cover your claim;
  • Failing to handle a claim properly under your policy by not notifying your insurer on time;
  • Failing to advise you properly of your rights and options when your insurer declines to cover your claim or exercises a reservation of rights.